Complaint Procedure

Procedure For Complaint

ICAM acts as a watch dog protector of the public and practitioner to protect public from malpractice and protect the practitioner from Any false accusation. ICAM main purpose is to safeguard Ayurveda, Built Confidence among public and be an ear for someone to listen who has an issue?

How to make a complaint?

We recommend and encourage the public to firstly contact the ICAM member against whom they might have issue to resolve the matter. If this is unsuccessful or not practical, complaints should be in writing, signed by the person making the complaint and forwarded to:

The President
121 Mains Rd, Sunnybank
QLD 4109

All complaints are assessed by the ICAM committee and further consulted with the parties of the complaint to try to bring about a resolution and obtain more information. The role of the ICAM Complaints Committee is to determine if a complaint will be presented to the ICAM Committee with their recommendations. This will determine if a disciplinary action will be taken. The Committee will conduct a fair and objective investigation.

Once the complaint is lodged

The complainant will receive a confirmation email that an investigation will commence and a time frame for resolution. If the complaint is determined to be valid, a breach of conduct will be acknowledged and an apology for the impact of the event will be sent. The practitioner will be counselled regarding correcting their practice protocols in the future. The ICAM Committee will then consider if a member suspension is appropriate and whether the compliant will be directed to the Health Complaint Commission. The ICAM Committee will endeavour to conduct this process in the most considerate and compassionate manner. The sincerest wish is that all practitioners strive to uphold the Code of Ethics. The ICAM Committee hopes to be the best support to practitioners to achieve this aim.